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Popular Porn Blogs: Free Porn Blogs List

    Wow – Mr. Porn Geek reviews porn blogs too!

    You probably know by now that when it comes to finding great porn on the Internet, Mr Porn Geek is pretty damn good. That said, there are some other sources out there and destinations that I think you might be a bit of a fan of – that’s why I’ve collected them here! These are the top porn blogs that I can personally vouch for and that I believe are top of the range destinations to find high quality porn on the Internet. I’ve probably gotten in contact with most of the individuals that manage the blogs you see here, just so they know that they’ll probably be receiving a little traffic from me and my loyal followers. I do enjoy sharing the love around and be sure to drop a comment or two on the posts you find on their blogs – I think they deserve it! Oh, and one final note: I’ve recently started a porn blog myself and I really think you should check it out. Use the link in the header to visit Mr. Porn Geek’s blog!

    Have you reviewed all of these porn blogs yourself?

    Come on now champ – you should know by now that Mr. Porn Geek is incredibly serious about his operation and doesn’t let any no-name loser right reviews on his behalf! My gig here is an incredibly important one and I’m not about to ruin my reputation by not reviewing these hubs myself. So yeah – to answer your question: Mr. Porn Geek absolutely writes all of these reviews and is really serious about the job too! I actually quite enjoy porn blogs and lately, since I’ve come across so many that are quite good, it’s now easier than ever to compare and contrast all of the destinations against one another and get myself top-tier recommendations to give. I mean at the end of the day this is what Mr. Porn Geek is all about: letting you know where you have to go on the Internet if you want to enjoy some great XXX action. Rest assured that Mr. Porn Geek has gone above and beyond for this particular category too, since he’s all about great porn blogs and what they have to offer the world.

    How do you decide which places are the best sex blogs?

    Haha buddy – let me just go ahead right here and let you know that what you’re asking me is a pretty complicated and difficult thing to go over. I don’t want to pretend like I’m reviewing a fine wine or anything because to be honest … porn website reviews are a hell of a lot harder than that! A little off-topic here, but people who taste wine professionally just have to say ‘yeah, I like this, it tastes a little woody’ or whatever and that’s it – no one can blame them, since their taste is just their taste! With porn site reviews we can look at a bunch of different metrics though, so it’s not exactly subjective on all fronts. Don’t get me wrong on this one though gang – there are a few things that I personally prefer when it comes to the best sex blogs and you might not be so in agreement. That doesn’t matter though, since I’m the one calling the shots and if you don’t like my reviews, you can leave!

    Wow, you’re harsh. But please: at least explain a little of what you look at.

    Well one of the most important things is how often the blog updates and how big the archive is. Ideally, I want a place that has been around for at least 3 or so years and has a post on a weekly basis at the minimum: a decent amount of content is always important no matter what niche you’re in, but since there are just millions of adult blogs out there, competition means that you’ve got to be, well, competitive! This is one of the easiest places to find various websites to recommend, so I’m always quick to just say “nah, this isn’t good enough” and then move on to the next place. Mr. Porn Geek wants you to realize that the best sex blogs collection here comes from a look at hundreds of places: I only let in a few of them to my archive. It’s an exclusive place that you’re unlikely to get into, but if you manage to have the goods and I think that your porn blog would be good for my library, I’ll add a review and let everyone know.

    I should also mention that I look at dozens of other things too, including how clean a site’s design is, whether or not it allows HTTPS browsing, the layout and navigation tools as well as comment sections and page load speeds. That stuff is all boring and technical, but I know just how important it is for a good porn experience. You don’t have to worry about literally any of that though: just take a look at my suggestions and if you’re not in the mood to read my reviews, click on a random link and I guarantee that the porn blogs you find will be more than suitable for your tastes.

    Seems a little intense: why do you take porn blogs so seriously?

    Because if I don’t take them seriously, who will? I’ve noticed that there are a few people who’ve tried to imitate Mr. Porn Geek, but they always slack when it comes to recommending the right places. Smut isn’t the easiest thing in the world to get right but you’ll be pleased to know that since you’ve come across Mr. Porn Geek’s reviews you’re in safe hands. Just ask your mother how safe my hands are – she even helps me from time to time by allowing me to store them in her various holes! I never knew a lady like that would be so into fisting, but I guess that’s just the fantastic world that we live in! Anyway, I’ll stop talking about my sex life now and let you ask me whatever you want – I’m sure you’ve got a juicy question.

    Have you ever used these adult blogs for your own pleasure?

    Of course I have! I mean it’s not like trying a product out that you recommend is exactly that uncommon: what good of a reviewer would I be if I didn’t at least attempt to verify that the porn these destinations have are worth taking a look at? Porn blogs are actually quite interesting, since they’re going to be helping you bust a nut as quickly as possible. They’re also pretty damn great for guys on mobile devices, since a lot of the blogs these days are fully responsive and look more than acceptable on smaller screens. I know they’re not exactly futuristic and the idea of a porn blog seems a bit dated, but just stick with me here gang: I think you’ll love my recommended best sex blogs and the top listed ones are sure to have you rock solid in a matter of seconds. Don’t believe me? Just visit one of the suggestions and see how long it takes for you to go from flaccid to erect: it’s like taking Viagra or something!

    What are some of the disadvantages of porn blogs?

    Wow, such a fantastic question – I think for me, it’s the fact that more often than not, they can lack a little in terms of update frequency. There’s not a huge amount of money in porn blogs, so people aren’t that incentivized to keep them up to date. I’m personally of the opinion that blogs also suffer from search issues and general navigation problems: they can have categories and that type of thing, but for an advanced experience it’s less than preferable. I guess you’ll also find a few places that have limited posts, or otherwise don’t help you hit that spot on your cock just right. I’m slightly guilty of this myself as my own blog has been lacking content of late – I’m just a busy guy, alright! I will get around to adding more there in the near future but yeah: people with porn blogs also often have other projects and quite often, it’s better to focus on those instead of other stuff.

    What can I do to help out Mr. Porn Geek?

    The biggest thing is just telling anyone you know about me if they’re interested in finding great porn online. I know that’s a tough sell though, so my next recommendation is just to come back whenever you need to stock up on some smutty suggestions – this allows my traffic numbers to increase which directly motivates me to post more and more reviews. Mr. Porn Geek doesn’t accept donations and I likely never will: the focus here is just to provide a great site for the users, so be exactly that – a great user! You can also recommend some porn blogs if you think I’ve missed somewhere, but don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t make my list – I have pretty strict rules about what’s allowed on here and what’s not.

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